响应式和灵活 内容滑块插件 flickity

  • 源码大小:151.18KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3771
  • 浏览次数:317次
  • 最后更新:2023年07月21日
  • 所属栏目:滑块
本站默认解压密码:19jp.com 或 19jp_com



当前许可的GPL v3。也可以用作Vanilla JavaScript插件。


  • jQuery/JavaScript/CSS中的最佳旋转木马插件
  • flickity响应:flickity的响应选项。


$ npm install flickity --save



<!-- from local -->
<link href="dist/flickity.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR from a CDN -->
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/flickity.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>


<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>


<div class="carousel">
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 1</div>
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 2</div>
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 3</div>
  ... More Slides Here ...

4.将data flickity属性添加到顶部容器以初始化转盘。

<div class="carousel" data-flickity='{ options here }'>
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 1</div>
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 2</div>
  <div class="carousel-cell">Slide 3</div>
  ... More Slides Here ...




// jQuery
  // options here

// Vanilla JS
var myCarousel = new Flickity( '.carousel', {
  // options here



  // enable keyboard navigation
  accessibility: true,

  // make the carousel's height fit the selected slide
  adaptiveHeight: false,

  // enable auto play
  // set delay time to enable the autoplay
  // e.g. autoPlay: 5000
  autoPlay: false,

  // 'center', 'left', or 'right'
  // or a decimal 0-1, 0 is beginning (left) of container, 1 is end (right)
  cellAlign: 'center',

  // cell selector
  cellSelector: undefined,

  // will contain cells to container
  // so no excess scroll at beginning or end
  // has no effect if wrapAround is enabled
  contain: false,

  // enable dragging & flicking when the slides > 1
  draggable: '>1',

  // the number of pixels a user must scroll horizontally to start dragging
  dragThreshold: 3,

  // enable content to be freely scrolled and flicked
  // without aligning cells
  freeScroll: false,

  // smaller number = easier to flick farther
  friction: 0.2,

  // group cells together in slides
  groupCells: false,

  // enable image lazy load
  // you can specify the original img src in the data-flickity-lazyload attribute
  lazyLoad: true,

  // intial slide
  initialIndex: 0,

  // set positioning in percent values, rather than pixels
  // Enable if items have percent widths
  // Disable if items have pixel widths, like images
  percentPosition: true,

  // enable next/prev buttons
  prevNextButtons: true,

  // enable pagination dots
  pageDots: true,

  // listens to window resize events to adjust size & positions
  resize: true,

  // enable RTL support
  rightToLeft: false,

  // set the height of the gallery
  setGallerySize: true,

  // watches the content of :after of the element
  // activates if #element:after { content: 'flickity' }
  // IE8 and Android 2.3 do not support watching :after
  // set watch: 'fallbackOn' to enable for these browsers
  watchCSS: false,

  // at end of cells, wraps-around to first for infinite scrolling
  wrapAround: false



// jQuery
// $carousel.flickity('methodName', parameters);
// Vanilla
// myCarousel.methodName(parameters);

// go to a specific slide
$carousel.flickity( 'select', index, isWrapped, isInstant );

// go to the previous slide
$carousel.flickity( 'previous', isWrapped, isInstant );

// go to the next slide
$carousel.flickity( 'next', isWrapped, isInstant );

// select a slide
$carousel.flickity( 'selectCell', value, isWrapped, isInstant );

// resize & re-position the carousel

// add more slides
$carousel.flickity( 'prepend', elements );
$carousel.flickity( 'append', elements );

// insert a slide
$carousel.flickity( 'insert', elements, index );

// remove a slide
$carousel.flickity( 'remove', elements );

// enable/disable/pause/resume autoplay

// set the carousel to fullscreen

// exit the fullscreen mode

// toggle the fullscreen mode

// destroy the plugin

// reload all slides

// get the elements of the slide
var cellElements = $carousel.flickity('getCellElements');


// jQuery
// $carousel.on('eventName', function);
// $carousel.off('eventName', function);
// $carousel.once('eventName', function);
// Vanilla
// myCarousel.on('eventName', function);
// myCarousel.off('eventName', function);
// myCarousel.once('eventName', function);

$carousel.on( 'ready.flickity', function() {
  // on ready

$carousel.on( 'change.flickity', function( event, index ) {
  // on change

$carousel.on( 'select.flickity', function( event, index ) {
  // when a slide is selected

$carousel.on( 'settle.flickity', function( event, index ) {
  // when the carousel is settled at its end position

$carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function( event, progress ) {
  // on move

$carousel.on( 'dragStart.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {
  // on drag start

$carousel.on( 'dragMove.flickity', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {
  // on drag move

$carousel.on( 'dragEnd.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {
  // on drag end

$carousel.on( 'pointerDown.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {
  // when the user's pointer (mouse, touch, pointer) presses down

$carousel.on( 'pointerMove.flickity', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {
  // when the user's pointer moves.

$carousel.on( 'pointerUp.flickity', function( event, pointer ) {
  // when the user's pointer unpresses

$carousel.on( 'staticClick.flickity', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {
  // when the user's pointer is pressed and unpressed and has not moved enough to start dragging

$carousel.on( 'lazyLoad.flickity', function( event, cellElement ) {
  // after an image has been loaded

$carousel.on( 'bgLazyLoad.flickity', function( event, element ) {
  // after a background image has been loaded

$carousel.on( 'fullscreenChange.flickity', function( event, isFullscreen ) {
  //  after entering or exiting fullscreen mode


v2.3.0(2021 12月20日)

  • 解决iOS 15上的拖动和滚动问题

v2.2.2(2021 4月1日)

  • 碰撞安全警报的几个依赖项
  • 从Gulp脚本切换到npm脚本
  • 将linting从JSHint切换到ESLint
  • 删除销毁时隐藏的咏叹调


  • 文档已更新


  • 修复在(iOS 9.3/Safar)上拖动,在_pointerDownDefault中复制页面X、页面Y
